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insurance market

Navigating Employee Benefits: Is a PEO Right for Your Business?

In today’s fast-paced and competitive business landscape, attracting and retaining top talent is more crucial than ever. A robust employee benefits program can be the key to achieving this goal, but for many small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), managing employee benefits and navigating the complex world of HR compliance can…

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Property and Casualty Insurance for Food Processing and Distribution

The journey of food from farm to fork is a complex one, involving numerous businesses along the global food and beverage supply chain. From suppliers and manufacturers to processors, importers, and distributors, each player faces unique challenges in today’s volatile world. Securing the right property and casualty (P&C) insurance is…

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Commercial Property Insurance: Navigating a Tough Market

While Commercial Property Insurance remains a tough market characterized by unfavorable rates, stringent underwriting, and limited capacity, the good news is that organizations can adopt strategies to enhance their marketability. More encouraging still, relief is emerging on the horizon. Business Insurance reported in a recent article, “Commercial property insurance rate hikes come…

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Managing Employee Health Benefits: The Advantages of Self-Funding

As employee healthcare costs continue their relentless upward march, businesses today face intense pressure to balance attracting top talent through employee health benefits with managing spiraling medical insurance expenses. Employer-sponsored health benefits have become a pivotal component in recruiting and retaining workers in a competitive labor market. However, rising premiums…

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Builders’ Risk Insurance: A Key Part of Construction Risk Management

If you’re embarking on a construction project, there are two ways you can view Builders Risk Insurance: as an unfortunate necessity or as invaluable protection against the many risks inherent to construction. Which view you adopt is a major factor in whether your business succeeds or fails.  Construction companies are…

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Professional Liability Insurance: Improved Market for Critical Coverage

If your career involves providing professional services or counsel, Professional Liability Insurance, also known as professional indemnity insurance, is crucial for safeguarding your assets and reputation against allegations of negligence or mistakes. This coverage, which transfers the professional liability from you to the insurance carrier, is known by various names,…

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A graphic entitled 'Typical Lifecycle of your Property Claim'

Typical Lifecycle of a Property Claim

If your moderate to medium-sized business has sustained a property loss, waiting for the insurance claims process to complete can feel like forever. Timelines may differ between insurers or claims, and the process can go faster in some cases than in others. Waiting can be frustrating, but it can be…

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A graphic with a photo of Greg Reddock entitled 'Is your insurance company holding your dealership captive? Then think about a captive insurance company'

Captive Insurance: Greg Reddock’s Take

Is your insurance company holding your dealership captive? Greg Reddock can help! As a senior vice president at Foa & Son, Greg advises a diverse portfolio of clients on their risk management and insurance needs, including many prominent firms in automotive, real estate, construction, distribution, and manufacturing. In this infographic,…

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A graphic with binary code in the background and entitled 'Cyber Liability Insurance: The Time is Now! 3 Reasons to Buy Today'

Justin Foa: Why You Need Cyber Insurance

Why you need Cyber Insurance It’s been all over the news. SolarWinds in January, 100,000 Microsoft Exchange Servers in February, CNA Insurance (a large provider of cyber insurance) in March. Cyber attacks are everywhere. A cyber attack incident will occur every 11 seconds in 2021. That’s almost double 2019’s rate,…

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A graphic with a photo of Pete Carrucciu entitled 'Real Estate Market Conditions Update'

Real Estate Market Conditions Report

Your exclusive Real Estate market conditions update is here! Pete Carruciu, Senior Vice President of our Real Estate and Construction Practice, has provided his forecast for the Habitational Downstate NY market. The outlook right now may seem disheartening. But with the right guidance, your company can and will weather the...
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A graphic illustrating methods of delivery around the globe and entitled 'Michael Lieberman's Food for Thought: Supply Chains to Ecosystems. Traceability to Trust. A Conversation with John Keogh'

Supply Chains, Ecosystems, Traceability and Trust: with John Keogh

In the fourth episode of “Food for Thought,” Foa & Son’s Michael Lieberman challenges viewers to change the way they think about food and beverage supply chain transparency.  Lieberman, who hosts the new food and beverage risk management web series, spoke with John Keogh. Mr. Keogh is the managing principal…

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A photo of Mervin McCormack and entitled '2021 P&C Market Forecast'

Exclusive P&C Market Forecast: 2021

Your exclusive P&C Market Forecast for 2021 is ready.  Wondering what to expect in the new year? Chief Marketing Officer Mervin McCormack has shared his insights in this helpful infographic.  He predicts that all P&C lines will see higher rates. Some of the lines leading the way on rate increases...
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A graphic of bar charts indicating ratings across industries and entitled 'Section 1: Key Industry Ratings'

2020 Market Trends Report

Our exclusive Market Trends Report is here! This proprietary analysis provides exclusive ratings to help insurance buyers more fully understand the impact of market conditions on their insurance costs, terms, conditions and overall availability. Our report finds that insurance market volatility shows no sign of abating any time soon. With...
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A nighttime photo of a city overlaid with lines to indicate Internet and network connections.

Tech Firms: Do you have the right insurance?

By Vincent J. Curatolo -- To get the best pricing and coverage for your tech firm in this hard insurance market, it’s important to partner with an insurance broker who has expertise in the sector. Your broker can help identify and analyze your exposures, and develop a risk mitigation strategy...
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A photo of two masked business women during the Covid-19 pandemic standing at a railing.

Post-Covid-19 Reopening Poses Challenges for Businesses

As the economy in the United States reopens following weeks of widespread stay-at-home orders, don’t expect a quick return to “business as usual.” Reopening requires a lot more than just flipping a switch. More than 73% of U.S. companies have not yet created a return-to-work strategy, according to a survey...
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A photo of a mobile phone with the 2020 calendar displayed.

Rate Hikes and the 2020 Insurance Market

WHAT DO RATE HIKES MEAN FOR THE 2020 INSURANCE MARKET? After more than a decade of flat or decreasing premiums, prices rose across many lines in 2019. As the dust settles, you may be asking yourself what does 2020 look like? The property/casualty insurance market is at a point not...
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A photo of a man in a suit seated at a desk covered with a laptop, a journal of graphs and data, and other office items.

Commercial Insurance Market Forecast for 2020: The Hard Market is Here

It is becoming increasingly clear that a hardening property/casualty insurance market has accelerated and gone global according to Chubb Chairman and CEO Evan Greenberg. With commercial insurance rates set to keep rising in 2020, are you prepared for the hard market? A year ago, we were seeing a slow, gradual...
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