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Insurance News

A photo of architects working on a set of blueprints.

Contractor/Subcontractor Uncertainty? The Solution Is Surety.

If your contracting or subcontracting business has not only survived but thrived during the three years of the COVID-19 pandemic, Surety bonds probably are not a top-of-mind concern for you — at least when it comes to private construction projects. But if you’ve struggled with payment, cash-flow or employment issues…

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An aerial view overlooking a municipality.

The Role of Risk Management in Public Sector Insurance

When it is non-existent or poorly executed, risk management becomes the subject of intense scrutiny, especially when a municipality or public entity is assigned responsibility for an occurrence resulting in widespread damage or singular tragedy. “How did this happen?,” we demand to know. “And who is to blame?” From natural…

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A photo of insurance professionals meeting with construction workers on a job site.

Diligence, Innovation Keys to Construction Insurance Solutions

Step back from all the misery the COVID-19 pandemic has caused, including worker shortages and supply chain disruption. Take a good look at all the insurance challenges a years-long hard market for Property and Casualty coverage has created. Scan the landscape of damage from a multi-year series of catastrophic events…

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A photo of a businessman speaking in front of a group of people at a conference table.

D&O Insurance for Private Companies and Nonprofits

When you accept an invitation to join a private organization’s board of directors, you might not realize that your activities as a current or former member could include fending off a lawsuit. Before you accept that invitation, ask whether the board is protected by Directors and Officers Liability Insurance, known…

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A photo of employees leaning on the fender of a semitruck.

Performance-Based Insurance: Loss Control and Commercial Auto

A couple of years ago, a Texas company providing services to support the drilling and production of oil and gas wells had a problem. Its driver-safety record had become so troublesome that the state Department of Transportation had slapped it with the DOT’s poorest rating, and the company’s Commercial Auto…

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A photo of wooden blocks being stacked to form stairs.

Benefits Compliance Update: 2022 Reporting Requirements

As a business owner or human resource professional, you’ve been through two years of pandemic-related regulations, adaptations and frustrations. Over the past couple of months, you’ve managed open enrollment for employee benefits amid a resurgent wave of COVID-19 infections and HR legislation, all while assisting colleagues with their demands and stresses — pandemic-related and otherwise. Now a new…

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A photo of a roadway with '2022' spray painted on to it.

Justin Foa: 2022 Forecast

If the past two years have taught us anything, it’s the value of preparing for the unexpected. Those who are able to be flexible and meet changing market conditions have a greater chance of success in times of stress and change. So, with that in mind… What do we see…

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